
SA Franchise Brands welcomes Raal Nordin, Franchisor of Urban Link.

What has been paramount to Urban Link’s success?

We offer three products to the franchisees instead of the usual two ‘’normal’’ estate agency offerings; which is (1) Residential (2) Commercial and the additional component (3) Business Brokering.

What challenges do you face at present?

At the moment the real estate market is still very slow and obviously gaining a decent market share will be a challenge for our new inexperienced franchisees.

With a network of 20 franchises nationwide, how has your franchise model worked in favour of the group?

Our network has now reached the 20th franchise and this in itself serves the group well in that cross pollination is the key to property franchise success.

What are some of the attributes required from franchisees?

They must be tenacious, good marketers and without a shadow of a doubt be articulate with administrative functions.

How would you describe the overall relationship between the group and its franchisees?

The relationship has always been open, transparent, non-dictatorial and one of mentorship, coaching and joint efforts.

What kind of training and support can franchisees expect?

Our franchisees benefit from years of skilled knowledge accumulated and captured into proper training manuals as well as regular updated legislative changes are passed on to the team.

Which factors are paramount for sustained future growth within the group with specific reference to its present and future franchisees?

The continued growth of the brand, the sizable market share a franchise obtains as well as keeping the group free from reputational issues.

Where to from here and into the future?

Our future is well defined in that we are strictly focusing on gaining a franchise footprint and sustainable market share for our franchisees.

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